Immobilien in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel mieten

WG Zimmer Eimsbüttel ab sofort vom 01.05.-30.10.2024 -möbliert
Top Premium WG Zimmer Eimsbüttel ab sofort vom 01.05.-30.10.2024 -möbliert
550,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
550,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Das Zimmer ist 14 m2 groß, sehr ruhig und hell. Dort kommt bis zum Einzug noch 1 Bett und 1 Kleiderschrank rein. Lage: Die Wohnung befindet sich im beliebten Stadtteil Eimsbüttel 10 Min. Von der City / Alster (Jungfernstieg / U2)
entfernt. Zu Fuß ist die Osterstr., wo es viele Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und Cafés gibt.|WG-Leben:Gesucht wird eine ruhige und ordentliche Person. Die Kurzeitmiete vom 01.01-15.02.2024 eignet sich für Praktikanten, Berufstätige und Studierende, die hier erstmal in Hamburg ankommen möchten. Das Einzugsdatum zum 01.01.2024 kann flexibel gestaltet werden. Sonstiges: Nicht- Raucher und bitte keine Haustiere
Schönes Zimmer in 2er WG (80qm) in der Sternschanze mit Wohnzimmer und Wintergarten Untermiete Mai
Top Premium Schönes Zimmer in 2er WG (80qm) in der Sternschanze mit Wohnzimmer und Wintergarten Untermiete Mai
700,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
700,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20357 Hamburg Sternschanze
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Ich vermiete mein schönes Zimmer in meiner 2er Wg. Die Wohnung hat die perfekte Lage und liegt direkt am Lindenpark in der Sternschanze, in 5 min bist du am Schulterblatt und in 8 min direkt an der Sternschanzenstation. Die Wohnung ist
sehr groß und hat eine große Wohnküche, Wohnzimmer und einen verglasten Wintergarten. Die Wohnung liegt in einem inklusive Haus und ist deswegen barrierefrei und inklusive Aufzug. Das Zimmer wird für den Monat komplett möbliert vermietet. Vom Einzug,- und Auszugsdatum bin ich auch noch ein bisschen flexibel. Zusammen wohnen wirst du mit einem sehr netten, entspannten und witzigem Mitbewohner. :)
3er WG in Eimsbüttel von April bis zum 15.06
Top Premium 3er WG in Eimsbüttel von April bis zum 15.06
500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

3er WG in Eimsbüttel von April bis zum 15.06

500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20457 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Hi, ich ziehe jetzt relativ kurzfristig aus und suche eine(-n) Nachmieter(-in). Mit Euch wohnen Lisa und Tabitha, die WG ist schön und lauschig, mein Zimmer gemütlich und ich hatte eine gute Zeit hier. Wir haben hier eine Wasch- und
Spülmaschine, eine gemeinsame Küche mit Balkon und eine schöne Altbauwohnung. Bis Mitte Juni wird die WG aber dann aufgelöst, von daher ist das hier nichts langfristiges mehr. Da ich zur Zeit viel arbeite müsstet Ihr für eine Besichtigung am besten Abends gegen 19 Uhr mal vorbeikommen, oder wir machen es online. Also bis bald :)
WG-Zimmer in Hamburg für 1 Monat
Top Premium Neu WG-Zimmer in Hamburg für 1 Monat
650,00 €
1 Zi.
15 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

WG-Zimmer in Hamburg für 1 Monat

650,00 €
1 Zi.
15 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Hi! Ich (Michelle, 27) werde für ein Fotografie Projekt einen Monat im Ausland verbringen, weshalb ich mein Zimmer in Eimsbüttel untervermiete :) Die Lage ist super mit kleinen Cafés, Apostelkirche, Osterstraße fußläufig
erreichbar, die U2 Station Lutterothstraße ist ca. 10 min entfernt, die Buslinie 4 in wenigen Minuten erreichbar. Den Monat würdest du mit meinen drei Mitbewohner*innen Joris (24), Kathi (26) und Alex (26) verbringen, alle super nett und entspannt 🌻 Das Zimmer wird möbiliert vermietet, so wie auf den Bildern zu sehen.
Suche katzenliebende Mitbewohnerin
Top Premium Suche katzenliebende Mitbewohnerin
500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

Suche katzenliebende Mitbewohnerin

500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Ahoi Zimmersuchende! Geboten: 12qm, möbliert, zentrale und trotzdem ruhige Lage in Eimsbüttel (Grenze zu Altona-Nord), Osterstraße und Schanze sind zu Fuß zu erreichen, Mitbewohner sind ein Kater (19) und ich (48). Ich lerne gerade
Gebärdensprache, lese und singe gern, liebe Reiten und Yoga. Der Kater liebt vor allem Schlafen. Gesucht: weiblich, katzenliebend (auch regelmäßig versorgend) und sauberkeitsliebend. Fühlst Du Dich angesprochen? Dann melde dich gern! :)) Viele Grüße ☺️😸
WG Zimmer Eimsbüttel
Top Premium WG Zimmer Eimsbüttel
550,00 €
1 Zi.
10 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

WG Zimmer Eimsbüttel

550,00 €
1 Zi.
10 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20255 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Hallo ihr Lieben, ich muss Hamburg und diese schöne WG leider beruflich bedingt verlassen, wodurch mein Zimmer frei wird. Die Wohnung wurde im Herbst frisch renoviert und wir waren die Ersten, die eingezogen sind. Daher alles in
bestem Zustand :) Gerne würde ich gegen eine Ablösesumme von 900€ das Bett, die noch recht neue Matratze, eine Kommode und einen Tisch in der Wohnung lassen Liebe Grüße, Andrea Lage: In 3 Minuten zu Fuß an der U2 Osterstraße :)
12 qm-Zimmer In 2er WG an nichtrauchende Frau
Top Premium 12 qm-Zimmer In 2er WG an nichtrauchende Frau
500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

12 qm-Zimmer In 2er WG an nichtrauchende Frau

500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
22769 Hamburg Altona-Nord
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Das Zimmer ist möbliert mit einem fest montierten Hochbett, Schreibtisch, Stuhl und 2 Regalen, Lampen und einem kleinen Teppich. Aktuell liegt noch eine Matratze als Sofa-Ersatz unter dem Hochbett, diese könnte auf Wunsch entfernt
werden. Die leider nicht allzugrosse Küche ist mit allem ausgestattet was man so braucht: Wasch- und Spülmaschine, Gasherd mit Backofen, Kühlschrank, Topp un Pann sowie Geschirr. Kann alles mitbenutzt werden, ein pfleglicher Umgang wird vorausgesetzt.
3er-wg Zimmer Eimsbüttel
Top Premium 3er-wg Zimmer Eimsbüttel
370,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

3er-wg Zimmer Eimsbüttel

370,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Das Zimmer ist schon ausgestattet mit paar Möbel wie Bett, Tisch, TV Tisch, Kleiderschrank. Das Bett ist sehr groß und gemütlich:) Eine gemeinsame Küche, in der wir oft zusammen gesessen und unterhalten. Lage: in der Nähe U-Bahn
Emilienstraße im Herzen Eimsbüttel|WG-Leben:Wir sind eine 2 WG mit 1 Mann und 1 Mädchen im Alter von 26 bis 36 Jahren. Aktuell suchen wir ein dritter Mitbewohner oder eine Mitbewohnerin.
3er WG Neugründung Hamburg-Eimsbüttel nahe Osterstrasse
Top Premium 3er WG Neugründung Hamburg-Eimsbüttel nahe Osterstrasse
456,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
456,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20255 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Neugründung einer 3er WG Jgst., DB, top EBK inkl. Waschmaschine, Geschirrspüler, Hochparterre frisch renoviert! zwei Zimmer verfügbar: - Zi. 2 / 16,37 qm - 560,-/Mo. - Zi. 3 / 10,48 qm - 520,-/Mo. Mietpreis inkl. aller
Nebenkosten top Lage in Eimsbüttel nahe Osterstrasse Lage: top Lage in Eimsbüttel nahe Osterstrasse
Privatzimmer am Wochenende in Eimsbüttel
Top Premium Privatzimmer am Wochenende in Eimsbüttel
55,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

Privatzimmer am Wochenende in Eimsbüttel

55,00 €
1 Zi.
14 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Bitte alles lesen! Ich vermiete nicht dauerhaft! Moin :) Vermietet wird ein möbliertes Zimmer in einer wunderschönen Altbau-Wohnung. Das Zimmer ist immer nur von Donnerstag-Sonntag verfügbar. Solltet ihr also ein Zimmer am
Wochenende in Hamburg benötigen, meldet euch gerne :) Auf Anfrage sende ich gerne Fotos zu.
Zimmer frei ab 6/26
Top Premium Zimmer frei ab 6/26
350,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

Zimmer frei ab 6/26

350,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20357 Hamb Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: 16 qm Zimmer in 2er WG Nähe Schanzenviertel ab 1.6.2026 an eine Frau zu vermieten. Die Wohnung liegt in einer verkehrsberuhigten Nebenstraße der Weidenallee. Das Zimmer hat Holzfußboden und Stuck und ist teilmöbliert. Ich vermiete
befristet, wenn es gut passt evt. auch länger. Ein Fahrradkeller ist vorhanden.
Kleines WG zimmer in Eimsbüttel
Top Premium Neu Kleines WG zimmer in Eimsbüttel
450,00 €
1 Zi.
8 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

Kleines WG zimmer in Eimsbüttel

450,00 €
1 Zi.
8 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Ist ein kleines aber gemütliches zimmer mit einem Hochbett, einem Sofa und einem Kleiderschrank. Lage: Die Wohnung ist gut gelegen im Zentrum von Eimsbüttel. Man kommt gut zur S-Bahn und der Edeka ist gleich um die Ecke :)
Übergangslösung frei ab sofort in Eimsbüttel bis Ende April
Top Premium Übergangslösung frei ab sofort in Eimsbüttel bis Ende April
450,00 €
1 Zi.
20 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
450,00 €
1 Zi.
20 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20255 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Ruhig zum Hinterhof gelegen. Fußläufig alles erreichbar. Der Preis ist für den gesamten Zeitraum. U2 Osterstraße Lutterotstraße in 2 / 5 min Frei ab sofort als Übergangslösung bis Ende März Vorzugsweise an Nichtraucher
ab sofort bis 31.06. (möglichkeit auf verlängerung)
Top Premium Neu ab sofort bis 31.06. (möglichkeit auf verlängerung)
500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
500,00 €
1 Zi.
12 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: moin, ich suche kurzfristig eine/n mitbewohner*in. vorerst nur bis ende Juni es ist aber gut möglich dass es verlängert wird.
Zimmer mit Balkon
Top Premium Zimmer mit Balkon
550,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

Zimmer mit Balkon

550,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20255 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Das Zimmer ist schön hell,hohe Decke circa 3,40,mit Doppeltür zum Balkon,mit Platz für zwei zum Sitzen.
Modern 1-room penthouse incl. 120 m² roof terrace with a beautiful view over Hamburg
Top Premium Modern 1-room penthouse incl. 120 m² roof terrace with a beautiful view over Hamburg
1.300,00 €
1 Zi.
35 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.300,00 €
1 Zi.
35 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

English: Modern, fully furnished 35 m² penthouse in the heart of Hamburg. The highlight is the private 120 m² roof terrace, which runs around the entire penthouse and offers a fantastic view of the whole of Hamburg. This penthouse apartment is
fully furnished with: - Box spring bed - Writing desk - Sofa corner with a small fold-out sofa bed - Fully equipped kitchen - Modern Bathroom with shower - Usage of washing machine in the basement Bedding and towels are included. The penthouse is in a former church. The building was built in the Bauhaus style, is very quiet in the backyard with a small garden and is state-of-the-art. Eimsbüttel is a popular and lively district with many shops and restaurants. The Emilienstrasse underground station is a 2-minute walk away and the Osterstrasse (Eimsbüttel's main shopping street) and the trendy Schanze district are 10 minutes away. The city centre can be reached by subway within 15 minutes. However, there are numerous shopping facilities in the imme
WG Zimmer in Hamburg Hoheluft
Top Premium WG Zimmer in Hamburg Hoheluft
550,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK

WG Zimmer in Hamburg Hoheluft

550,00 €
1 Zi.
16 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20253 Hamburg Hoheluft-West
Immobilientyp: Wohngemeinschaft, Zimmer

Zimmer: Die Wohnung hat 2 Zimmer und eine kleine Küche.
Furnished comfort flat in Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Top Premium Furnished comfort flat in Hamburg Eimsbüttel
1.500,00 €
2 Zi.
46 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.500,00 €
2 Zi.
46 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

In a quiet side street of Eimsbüttel, very carefully designed apartment in a historic Art Nouveau house. The sensitively restored entrance area welcomes you with all the charm of the turn of the century. In the living room there is a spacious sofa
area in a dark gray tone in a pleasant contrast to beautiful wood tones. TV is possible via cable as well as via the Internet (50MBit). The bedroom is furnished with a 1,60m wide double bed, wardrobe and decorative storage boxes. In the apartment there is a well-preserved wooden floor, some of which has been supplemented with historical building materials. The shower room is modern with a combination of white tiles and dark mosaic tiles very attractively designed. A small quarter-round wall sets a special accent. A special highlight is the barely visible terrace adjacent to the kitchen with a table and two chairs as well as a rain-protected shelf, e.g. for water and beverage crates. Here you can enjoy the evening very privately. Due to the pe
Furnished business apartment with a view over the city of Hamburg
Top Premium Furnished business apartment with a view over the city of Hamburg
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
38 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
38 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

In October 2022 completely modernized and newly furnished business apartment with a view over the city. The interior is very tastefully decorated in subtle gray and turquoise tones. There is a very comfortable sofa area and a dining table for two. In
addition, there is a small work area for the home office. A 90 cm wide box spring bed offers a lot of sleeping comfort. The apartment has a walk-in closet. The small, well-equipped kitchen can be reached from the living room via a passage. The bathroom with gray tiles is equipped with a sliding door. A small cloakroom area is available in the hallway. A modern vinyl design floor has been laid in the apartment. There is a garbage chute on the floor. In the basement of the house there are two Miele coin-operated washing machines, a spin dryer and a tumble dryer. A special highlight is the breathtaking view over Hamburg. After work, you can relax and enjoy the sunset over the city from the balcony. A bicycle parking space in the bicycle house
Bright, stylish and comfortably furnished, 48 sqm apartment with high ceilings - within walking distance to the Schanze…
Top Premium Bright, stylish and comfortably furnished, 48 sqm apartment with high ceilings - within walking distance to the Schanze…
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
48 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
48 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
22769 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

In this 48 sqm apartment with extra high ceilings and a bright, very spacious new bathroom with a generous walk-in shower, an oasis awaits you in a perfect combination between the elegance of the vintage style and the renewal of the industrial style.
The large, bright eat-in kitchen is equipped with everything and invites you to linger. The walls are painted in Graham & Brown's Ferris Wheel - a muted shade of green with a rich fresh touch. The stylish interior convinces with furniture made of comfortable ash wood and black accents. The large, comfortable armchair in a luxurious gray velvet fabric is perfect for relaxing after a long day at work. An extravagant 1.20 x 2 m wide box spring bed in an unusual design and in cozy sea green ensures a high level of sleeping comfort with its high-quality Bonell spring core mattresses. It also offers additional storage space with bed drawers that can be opened on both sides. With the flat screen TV, some channels can be received via DVBT. Smart T
Penthouse-like apartment on the edge of the Schanzenviertel
Top Premium Penthouse-like apartment on the edge of the Schanzenviertel
3.250,00 €
3 Zi.
120 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
3.250,00 €
3 Zi.
120 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Penthouse-like light-flooded apartment with elevator on the top 6th floor of a new building. The apartment is modernly furnished and equipped with design furniture and design lights. The two roof terraces offer a fantastic view over the east and
south-west of Hamburg. The spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the two roof terraces and a ceiling height of 2.60m is furnished with a dining table for up to 6 people, a sofa area and merges into the open kitchen area. Whitened oak parquet is laid in the apartment. One of the two bedrooms has a comfortable, 1.80 wide double bed, the second bedroom has a single bed. There is also a work area for the home office. Both bedrooms each have their own access to one of the roof terraces. The apartment has a full bathroom with a high-quality floor-level shower and separate bathtub, as well as a separate guest toilet. An underground parking space is included in the rent. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): https://tour.f
Feel good - business flat on the quiet edge of the popular Schanze
Top Premium Feel good - business flat on the quiet edge of the popular Schanze
1.400,00 €
2 Zi.
47 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.400,00 €
2 Zi.
47 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

The apartment, newly furnished in 2021, on the quiet edge of the popular Schanzenviertel, impresses with its homely and cozy atmosphere. The skirting board heating ensures pleasant room air and even heat distribution. The Pitchpine-floorboards, the
subtle stucco in the living and dining area and the beautiful window cladding also contribute to the feel-good atmosphere. The living room, which is open to the dining room is furnished in light, cozy colors and offers enough space for cozy evenings. The very beautiful, 1.60 m x 90 cm dining table in teak and black is a timeless classic and the cool dining chairs in curry-colored velvet and black metal legs round off the new, trendy and fresh business look. The 1.40 x 2 m bed with a high-quality 7-zone pocket spring mattress in H3 / H4 ensures optimal ventilation, good body adaptation and a restful sleep. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to §
Welcome to Hamburg - Nicely furnished flat with two bedrooms in top location
Top Premium Welcome to Hamburg - Nicely furnished flat with two bedrooms in top location
2.200,00 €
3 Zi.
85 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
2.200,00 €
3 Zi.
85 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20357 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Apartment located on the edge of the Eimsbüttler Schanzenviertel with wide, airy cut and two large balconies. One of the balconies faces the back, facing the green courtyard, the other faces the wide street. The living-dining and kitchen area is
open plan and extends over the whole depth of the house. In the living room stllvoll modern seating elements are available. In the coffee table a small cactus bed is integrated. TV via cable and Bluetooth box, 55 inches. The dining area is located directly on the window to the front balcony. The two bedrooms each off the living area and are located in different directions. One is equipped with a 1.60 m wide box spring bed, in the other there is a 1.40 wide box spring bed. The bathroom is modern in gray and wood. In the apartment is a very beautiful oak parquet floor laid. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass:
Stylish flat in Hamburg Eimsbüttel with nice balcony
Top Premium Stylish flat in Hamburg Eimsbüttel with nice balcony
1.600,00 €
2 Zi.
52 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.600,00 €
2 Zi.
52 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Stylish. Durnished and perfectly equipped apartment in a good location in a new building in Eimsbüttel. The open plan kitchen to the living room is decorated in modern brown and gray tones. In the living room, the large corner sofa invites you to
relax after work. A dining table with four chairs is available Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the living room is visually extended to the area of the adjacent large balcony. On summer evenings, this place invites you to barbecue with the electric grill. The bedroom is equipped with a 1.60 wide double bed and plenty of closet space. The bathroom, decorated in subtle dark brown tones, also offers all the comforts of a well-equipped apartment. The underfloor heating can be controlled separately in each room. Starting from the corridor there is a room with washing machine and household items. Typically for Eimsbüttel various cafes and restaurants can be reached on foot. Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: E
New furnished apartment in Hmburg Eimsbüttel - single usage
Top Premium New furnished apartment in Hmburg Eimsbüttel - single usage
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
30 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
30 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
22769 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Completely newly furnished apartment in 2023 in a quiet location north of the Schanzenviertel; Equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows and a designer floor with a wood look. The pantry kitchen has 2 hobs, a fridge-freezer, dishwasher, and a
multifunctional oven (combination fan oven/microwave). The furniture is kept in light tones. In the living area there is a small area for the home office, a dining table with chairs, an armchair, wardrobe, internet-capable TV and a 1 m wide bed. 200MBit fast internet is available in the apartment. The apartment is equipped with a washer-dryer. A separate storage room offers storage space for clothes racks, ironing boards, cleaning products, etc. In the backyard there is a communal garden and a covered storage room for bicycles. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Energy demand certificate Final demand value: 56 kW
Furnished apartment in Eimsbüttel - walking distance to popular "Schanze"
Top Premium Furnished apartment in Eimsbüttel - walking distance to popular "Schanze"
1.300,00 €
1 Zi.
31 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.300,00 €
1 Zi.
31 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
22769 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

In 2023 completely refurbished apartment in a quiet location north of the Schanzenviertel. The new apartment is equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows and a design floor in oak look. A floor-level shower is available in the spacious bathroom. The
pantry kitchen has 2 hobs, a fridge-freezer, a dishwasher, a multifunction oven and a microwave. The furniture is kept in black, gray and beige tones. There is a small area for the home office, a dining table with chairs, an armchair, wardrobe, internet-enabled TV and a 1.20 m wide bed in the living area. A separate storage room offers not only the washing machine but also storage space for a drying rack, ironing board and cleaning products. In the backyard there is a covered storage room for bicycles. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Energy demand certificate Final demand value: 56 kWh/(m²*a) Main sourc
Perfectly equipped in a beautiful Eimsbüttler location
Top Premium Perfectly equipped in a beautiful Eimsbüttler location
1.350,00 €
2 Zi.
45 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.350,00 €
2 Zi.
45 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20255 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

In 2021 modernized and newly furnished apartment in a quiet residential street with typical Hamburg old buildings. The apartment is clear and modern in subtle colors. Beautiful oak parquet floors in combination with white coffered doors underline the
pleasant ambience of the listed building. Stylish, partly large-scale, modern works of art set accents. The bedroom is furnished with a 1.20 wide bed. A pleasant work area with a glass desk is available here. 100 Mbit Internet is set up. The apartment offers plenty of closet space. The modern fitted kitchen is equipped with a dishwasher and washer dryer. The shower room has a modern design with anthracite-colored tiles and a floor-level shower. The two terraces are a special highlight. A terrace, accessible from the kitchen, faces the quiet back yard. Garden furniture is available here in a storage box. Another terrace, accessible from the living room, faces the street and is framed by a 1.80 m high hedge. Online viewing of the flat (360 °
Chic new apartment in a quiet location near the Schanzenviertel
Top Premium Chic new apartment in a quiet location near the Schanzenviertel
2.070,00 €
2 Zi.
56 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
2.070,00 €
2 Zi.
56 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
22769 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Flat furnished end of 2022 in a new building built in 2022. The high-quality equipment includes a video intercom system. The flat is located in a quiet area north of the Schanzenviertel. Two roof terraces offer plenty of space to relax with either
morning or evening sun. A roof terrace faces south-west, the other faces east. Real wood parquet is laid in the apartment. Floor-to-ceiling windows provide plenty of light. The spacious living room is equipped with an open kitchen. The bathroom with shower is very modern and tastefully designed with large-format gray tiles and fitted with black fittings. A special highlight is the wide view that is offered from the apartment. You can see as far as the Elbphilharmonie. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Energy demand certificate Final demand value: 56 kWh/(m²*a) Main source of heating energy heating: KWK,
Furnished attic in Hamburg Eimsbüttel
Top Premium Furnished attic in Hamburg Eimsbüttel
1.550,00 €
2 Zi.
54 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.550,00 €
2 Zi.
54 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Located in a quiet residential street in Eimsbüttel apartment located in the attic of a well-kept Hamburg old building. The living-dining area with open kitchen is very bright and spatially designed, white-clad beams and the high ceiling in the
First create a generous and exciting sense of space. A special highlight is the sheltered balcony, which is not upstream, but integrated into the floor plan. Also from the bedroom window offers a beautiful open view. Here you can see far into the green landscaped gardens in the courtyard. The bedroom is equipped with a 1.40 wide box spring bed. Wardrobe, wardrobe and shoe rack are in a small separate dressing room. In addition, a small storage room for suitcases and household utensils is available. The shops, the pretty cafés and restaurants of the district are typical of the location in the lively district Eimbüttel Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Energy demand certificate Final demand value: 143,8 kWh/(m²*
City apartment with view in Eimsbüttel
Top Premium City apartment with view in Eimsbüttel
1.250,00 €
1 Zi.
40 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.250,00 €
1 Zi.
40 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Modern apartment with upscale amenities for business people. The flat is optimally designed to the needs, the equipment leaves nothing to be desired. Modern urban style, wall design in concrete look in combination with a straight dark leather sofa
and bright pieces of furniture The spectacular view over Hamburg opens up completely new perspectives on the cityscape. A special highlight is the semicircular wall made of glass blocks between the living room and shower room. The apartment is equipped with a 1.40 m wide bed. In the basement of the house, a well-equipped laundry room with coin-operated equipment, washing machines and dryers, can be used. Optionally, a parking space can be rented for € 55.00 per month. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Consumption based energy pass Final consumption value: 223 kWh/(m²*a) Main source of heating energy heat
Furnished flat with 2 bedrooms in Eimsbüttel
Top Premium Furnished flat with 2 bedrooms in Eimsbüttel
1.900,00 €
4 Zi.
74 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.900,00 €
4 Zi.
74 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Bright, friendly old-style apartment in a quiet side street off Eppendorfer Weg. The apartment is centrally located, cafes and all shops, subway and the "Schanzenviertel", outdoor pool and hiking trail are in the immediate vicinity. The apartment has
four rooms with stucco and wooden floors. Living and dining areas merge into one another. One of the two bedrooms is equipped with a 1.60 m wide bed and one with a 1.40 m wide bed. A modern eat-in kitchen is available. In addition to the bathroom with shower, there is a separate toilet. The apartment has two balconies. A separate storage room is available. A fireplace in the living room offers particular comfort. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Energy demand certificate Final demand value: 105,0 kWh/(m²*a) Main source of heating energy heating: Electricity, natural gas, electricity-mix Year of const
Very quiet in the best Eimsbüttler location
Top Premium Very quiet in the best Eimsbüttler location
1.350,00 €
2 Zi.
43 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.350,00 €
2 Zi.
43 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20255 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Furnished flat in a quiet residential street with typical Hamburg old buildings. The apartment facing the enclosed garden courtyard is very quiet. It is clear and modern in subtle colors. Beautiful oak parquet floors in combination with white
coffered doors underline the pleasant ambience of the listed building. Stylish, partly large-scale, modern works of art set accents. The bedroom is furnished with a 1.20 wide bed. Here is a small work area with a table for the notebook. 100 Mbit Internet is set up. The apartment offers plenty of closet space. The modern fitted kitchen is equipped with a dishwasher and washer dryer. The shower room has a modern design with anthracite-colored tiles and a floor-level shower. A special highlight is the large terrace. Garden furniture is available here in a storage box. A small area is protected from rain by the balcony above. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): The apartment is locat
City apartment with panoramic view in Eimsbüttel
Top Premium City apartment with panoramic view in Eimsbüttel
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
40 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.200,00 €
1 Zi.
40 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20259 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Modern apartment with upscale amenities for business people. The flat is optimally designed to the needs, the equipment leaves nothing to be desired. Modern urban style, wall design in concrete look in combination with straight dark leather armchairs
and bright pieces of furniture The spectacular view over Hamburg opens up completely new perspectives on the cityscape. In the basement of the house, a well-equipped laundry room with coin-operated equipment, washing machines and dryers, can be used. Optionally, a parking space can be rented for € 55.00 per month.Optionally, a bicycle parking space can be rented in the bicycle house for €10.00 per month. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Consumption based energy pass Final consumption value: 223 kWh/(m²*a) Main source of heating energy heating: district heating Year of construction:1969
Furnished flat in Hamburg in the popular district Eimsbuettel
Top Premium Furnished flat in Hamburg in the popular district Eimsbuettel
1.300,00 €
2 Zi.
40 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.300,00 €
2 Zi.
40 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
20257 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Light, friendly apartment in a quiet location. The apartment is modern furnished and has an open high gloss white kitchen. The living area is tastefully decorated in white, wood color and gray set. The bedroom is equipped with a 1.60 wide bed and has
plenty of closet space. In 2016, the apartment was also equipped with a 4 sqm balcony. In 2019 the bathroom was completely modernized. The floor and shower wall are covered with large gray tiles. The shower cubicle is new. There is a large wall-to-wall mirror above the washbasin, with lamps embedded on the left and right. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Consumption based energy pass Final consumption value: 196 kWh/(m²*a) Main source of heating energy heating: gas Year of construction: 1954
Bright and comfortable flat with balcony in a quiet street in popular Schanze, close to Altona and city centre
Top Premium Bright and comfortable flat with balcony in a quiet street in popular Schanze, close to Altona and city centre
1.450,00 €
2 Zi.
55 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.450,00 €
2 Zi.
55 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
22769 Hamburg
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Newly furnished apartment in 2021 in a quiet residential street within walking distance of the Schanzenviertel. The apartment has a pleasant, comfortable floor plan. The living area goes into an open kitchen, which is located around the corner. The
dining area is located between the living area and the kitchen. From the living area you can get to the balcony at the rear. Smart TV is set up. The cozy bedroom has a 1.60 m wide box spring bed and a well-equipped wardrobe. In addition to the washing machine, there is a dryer. Online viewing of the flat (360 ° panorama photos): Energy pass information acc. to § 16a EnEV 2014: Type of energy pass: Consumption based energy pass Final consumption value: 132 kWh/(m²*a) Main source of heating energy heating: natural gas Year of construction: 1994 Energy efficiency class: E